1 Part Engineering Gig + 1 Part Film Gig + 1 Part Drumming Gig = Awesome April :)
Some great things on the horizon for April! I've been in the studio recording with Dance Rockers "Those Lasers" as well as not so Dancey Rockers (Let's say more mosh than dance) the by's from "Dodgeband". The sessions have been great fun and they are both sounding awesome! I got to say this StudioLive board is really sounding good. Perhaps you'll be able to hear these recordings online or see them in a store near you soon enough. You can check out (and I assume keep up to date with) Dodgeband here. Great by's and great tunes, can't wait to hear how these recordings turn out! On the film front, I've recently finished a beautifully written dramatic short by Maria Morales entitled "Borderline". I wish this film the best of luck on the festival circuit! Some of the cues can be heard on my reel viewable here. We went for a Mark Isham approach for this and I think it really worked (all be it a little intimidating). On the performance front, I have a good few bookings for April already. If you're in the St.John's downtown area tonight come by and check out the Forgotten Bouzouki play at The Ship (we're on at 9:30). Music goes 'till 11:00 so it should be a nice early show for all those early risers. I'll also be filling in for my good friend Andrew McCarthy (who is in Ghana learning some cool new tunes!) performing with Brad Jefford's combo at the Rose and Thistle on the 11th and 25th. Both are Wednesdays and both are early shows (8:30 pm start!). Throw in a corporate gig here and there and it's looking like a good month! That's it for now. Cheers, Simon